Thursday, June 13, 2013

Upgrade MTM2010 into MTM2012: Automation Testing with Error

If you are using Visual Studio and MTM 2010 and wish to upgrade into Visual Studio and MTM2012 then you need to start worried. It may costly because TFS for Visual Studio 2010 is actually not support/compatible with Visual Studio 2012 when you want to do Automation and Load Testing.

Below is the snapshot between MTM2012 and MTM2010. Both are use the same TFS server only upgrade the MTM and Visual Studio version. Using MTM2010 work fine but not on MTM2012. The solution is install back the Visual Studio and MTM 2010. Dont afraid, because one machine can have more than one Visual Studio and MTM version.

If you want to use Visual Studio and MTM 2012 then need to have new TFS server just for 2012 version.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

MTM: "Build in use" is none, how to make it available?

For the first time create new Build, the build will not available on "Build in use" and "Available Build" on MTM. Then to make it available by click "Queue Build" button make it available on Build in use.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Visual Studio 2012 with Update 1 and 2

While finding the Test Agent VS2012 installer, i found that VS2012 need to install with Update 1, then i'm thinking its only VS2012 Ultimate but why need the Update 1. Its so weird. Then I read this article update about the Visual Studio,

So, we need to install even though your VS is Ultimate or whatever. This is how the Microsoft solve the issue to handle the bug and enhancement with their product.

From the article above stated that "
Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 (Visual Studio 2012.1) provides enhancements and fixes to address a variety of issues reported through Connect and Windows Error Reporting. In addition, Update 1 delivers a wealth of new functionality into Visual Studio 2012. Most of the new functionality appears in Ultimate and Premium, but there are some features for Professional and Express products".

So just install and see the different.